Since our yard is currently without any animals of thte feline persuasion, the birds and squirrels have been very, very happy. They feel safe, and can eat and make use of the yard without too much fear or interruption. The birds can be very mean to each other though, chasing each other away from the food or best pecking area.
For the first time ever that I can recall, we have cardinals, blue jays and robins, not just the ubiquitous sparrows and squirrels. There is a black squirrel in the neighborhood, I've seen him on Doran Ave a few times, and once I spotted him in our back yard. Which is no surprise because every time I've seen him, I've given him a personal invitation and directions on how to get there.
The sounds of the bird calls, especially in the morning, are just fabulous. I enjoyed having budgies years ago partly because of their cheerful chirping. It's lovely to wake up to sunshine and tweets.
The squirrels sometimes do the oddest thing, something I had never seen before: they go on the roof of the garage and spread themselves out flat and bask in the sun. They don't do it for that long, maybe 3-5 minutes at a time...I guess they've heard that too much sun can cause fur cancer.
And the best thing of all about our outdoor friends is that it is an endless source of entertainment for the kitties. Even Mickey watches the squirrels sometimes; the other day he growled at one that was on the railing of the deck near the pantry window (he was looking out). I think he's transferred his negative energy from P. Kitty to them.
Yes, the wonders of kitty TV. It's hilarious to watch Gypsy watching the birds after we fill up the bird feeder. She "talks" to them, I'm sure it's something like, "If I ever get outside I will kill you all," but since she's inside, it is very cute, and there's no blood or feathers or anything... :)
I'm so impressed with the cardinal and blue jays. The one time I ever saw a cardinal in real life (in Yonkers) I was almost as blown away as if I were seeing zebras on the Serengeti. Any birds other than pigeons, sparrows and seagulls count as exotic wildlife to me.
Great pic of Georgie, Twinks & BB at the "TV." And do I detect a hint o' Prudence off to the far left?
Yes, that is Pru on the left, in her favorite spot. She's actually the one most devoted to wildlife watching, I guess because she's still on the younger side.
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