Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stuff I Like

These two birdhouses are on "the other side of Doran Avenue," as you go toward Atlas. It's a nice block to go through on a sunny afternoon, with houses that show work and imagination. An old guy sitting on his porch with his dog told me his neighbor makes the birdhouses and gave some to the other folks on the street. Imagine! I wish I was creative enough to do that--maybe set up our garage with a jigsaw, some wood, and work a few hours each weekend. It would not take much except for that one missing element: talent. Well, I have the talent to discover things on my little excursions around and around....

When we were in Kansas City, we came upon a small cul-de-sac in the Crossroads Arts District. There we saw an open lot with trees, and then we noticed they were filled with birdhouses. You could miss them--they were sort of hard to see at first unless you walked into the lot and went under the trees. Quite a happy small-scale art project it is. There were also some nicely painted birdhouses along the street.

Now I am thinking they are birdfeeders, not birdhouses, but I am not sure. More whimsical little things I noticed around the Glendale neighborhood are this little man-figure that stands on the sidewalk of the auto repair on Metropolitan just past Aubrey, and this little car, which I see everywhere. The owner is happy to tell one and all about it, and I have spoken to him several times. He tells me that his GemCar E2, is a good investment and good for the environment--and very rideable in NYC. I say Yeah!

And then there's that purple house on 88th street with the cats in the windows!

1 comment:

Shell said...

Hmmm... I would guess it's a Smart Car, but it is a little bit different from other Smart Cars I've seen. It really is a sweet little ride, but I don't know what I'd do with John, he certainly wouldn't fit in it!