Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturdays at McCarren Park

Our Saturday trips to McCarren Park have been important to us over the last few years and we will miss them. I think we will especially miss the terrific Greenmarket. One of the larger markets, it's a bustling place with vendors of veggies, fruit, cheese, grain, mushrooms, dairy and bakery goods, as well as a lot of neighborhood folk. In addition to our friends at Garden of Eve, we always stop at Red Jacket Orchard for their applesauce, Consider Bardwell Farms (goat cheese), and our favorite New Jersey bakery, for strombolis, olive semolina loaf, or pies. Lastly, Ronnybrook Farms for pints of flavorful ice cream and yogurt.

The Greendome is a quiet refuge. You can almost forget you are in the city once you enter and find a corner of your own to sit for a few minutes. And it is cared for by a mysterious guy who says little and keeps the place up to snuff all by himself.

1 comment:

The Purple Ferns said...

@KB - I don't think the Greendome is the work of a single person alone, although the man you're referring to does do a lot of the work and definitely oversees it all. His name is something like Eliahu.

And yeah, I guess we really will miss it. We don't take vacations or go out much, instead we spend our bit of discretionary money on tasty morsels at the Greenmarket.

I hope the Greenmarket at Atlas moves to our side of Forest Park and gets a lot more business so in the coming seasons it gets more variety, too!